Cats and Code » netdisco by Oliver Gorwits Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:28:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Migrate SourceForge CVS repository to git Wed, 22 Jun 2011 19:27:00 +0000 Oliver Gorwits Continue reading ]]> Updated to include promoting and pushing tags.

I recently had need to migrate some SourceForge CVS repositories to git. I’ll admit I’m no git expert, so Googled around for advice on the process. What I ended up doing was sufficiently distinct from any other guide that I feel it worth recording the process, here.

The SourceForge wiki page on git is a good start. It explains that you should log into the Project’s Admin page, go to Features, and tick to enable git. Although it’s not made clear, there’s no problem having both CVS and git enabled concurrently.

Enabling git for the first time will initialize a bare git repository for your project. You can have multiple repositories; the first is named the same as the project itself. If you screw things up, it’s OK to delete the repository (via an SSH login) and initialize a new one.

Just like the SourceForge documentation, I’ll use USERNAME, PROJECTNAME and REPONAME within commands. As just mentioned, the initial configuration is that the latter two are equal, until you progress to additional git repositories.

Let’s begin by grabbing a copy of the CVS repository with complete history, using the rsync utility. When you rsync, there will be a directory containing CVSROOT (which can be ignored) and one subdirectory per module:

mkdir cvs && cd cvs
rsync -av rsync://* .

Grab the latest cvs2git code and copy the default options file. Change the run_options.set_project setting to point to your project’s module subdirectory:

svn export --username=guest cvs2svn-trunk
cp cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git-example.options cvs2git.options
vi cvs2git.options
# edit the string after run_options.set_project, to mention cvs/PROJECTNAME

Also in the options file, set the committer name mappings in the author_transforms settings. This is needed because CVS logs only show usernames but git commit logs show human name and email – a mapping can be used during import to create a sensible git history.

vi cvs2git.options
# read the comments above author_transforms and make changes

But how do you know what CVS usernames need mapping? One solution is to run through this export and git import without a mapping, then run git shortlog -se to dump the commiters. Blow the new git repo away, and re-import after configuring cvs2git author_transforms.

The cvs2git utility works by generating the input files used by git’s fast-import command:

cvs2svn-trunk/cvs2git --options=cvs2git.options --fallback-encoding utf-8
git clone ssh://
cat ../cvs2svn-tmp/git-{blob,dump}.dat | git fast-import
git reset --hard

At this point, if you’re going to continue using this new git repository for work, remember to set your, and color.ui options.

Now you’re ready to push the repo back to SourceForge. I did test myself that disabling so-called developer access to the repo in the SourceForge Project Member settings page does in fact prevent write access, as expected.

git push origin master

If you had tags on the CVS repo (git tag -l), they’ll have been imported as lightweight tags. Best practice is always to use annotated tags, so this short script will promote them for you:

git config "Firstname Lastname"
git config ""
git tag -l | while read ver;
  do git checkout $ver;
  git tag -d $ver;
  GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(g show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a $ver -m "prep for $ver release";
git checkout master

Verify the tags are as you want, using something like:

git tag -l | while read tag; do git show $tag | head -3; echo; done

And then push them to the repository with:

git push --tags

Something you might want to do is set a post-commit email hook. For this you SSH to SourceForge, and if you have multiple projects remember to connect to the right one!

ssh -t USER, create
cd /home/scm_git/P/PR/PROJECTNAME

Download the post-receive-email script and place it in the hooks subdirectory; make it executable. Also set the permissions to have group-write, so your project colleagues can alter it if required. Set the necessary git options to allow the script to email someone after a commit. Season to taste.

curl -L > hooks/post-receive
chmod +x hooks/post-receive
chmod g+w hooks/post-receive
git config hooks.emailprefix "[git push]"
git config hooks.emailmaxlines 500
git config hooks.envelopesender
git config hooks.showrev "t=%s; printf ';a=commitdiff;h=%%s' ; echo;echo; git show -C ; echo"
git config hooks.mailinglist

Remember to subscribe to your announce list, if needed. Finally, set a friendly description on the repository for use by the git web-based repo browser:

echo 'PROJECTNAME git repository' > description

One other thing I did was enable an SSH key on my SourceForge account, as this makes life with SSH-based git much smoother :-) If you have the need to create additional git repositories, or even to replace the one created automatically, then it’s just a case of issuing the git command:

cd /home/scm_git/P/PR/PROJECTNAME
git --git-dir=REPONAME init --shared=all --bare

Good luck with your own migrations, and happy coding!

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