If you want to get in touch, my public email address is oliver at cpan dot org. I will respond promptly unless on vacation. The blog on this website is no longer maintained.
Originally from the North of England, I’m a mid-40s geek living in Reading, in the UK.
My professional field is computer operations, currently as Head of Platforms and Services at ECMWF, a world-leading supercomputer site and weather forecasting centre. It’s a demanding and highly rewarding job, which I enjoy very much.
Spare time is spent snoozing in the conservatory, having a beer, composing EDM, playing board games, cycling with my toddler, and walking in the drizzle because it reminds me of Yorkshire. Oh, I also hack a bit in Perl.
Perl you say? It’s no longer a part of my day job but still a comfortable place to play. I'm a core developer of the awesome Netdisco network management system.