Monthly Archives: July 2011

The Limoncelli Test

Over at the excellent Everything Sysadmin blog is a simple test which can be applied to your Sysadmin team to assess its productivity and quality of service. It’s quite straightforward – just 32 things a good quality team ought to … Continue reading

Posted in devops, linux, monitoring | Comments Off

local::libs for Dist Development

Most of my distributions are on GitHub and built using Dist::Zilla. As the dependencies of each vary widely and I don’t want to muck up my workstation’s libraries, I set up a local::lib for each distribution’s development. The App::local::lib::helper scripts make this really easy. As per the docs, I combine the helper with App::cpanminus (cpanm) for all installation. To bootstrap a new local::lib area, I wrote this simple shell script: #!/bin/bash # script named "new-ll" if [ -z $1 ] then echo ‘pass the distribution name, please’ exit fi echo "creating local::lib for $1 …" sleep 3 curl -L | perl – –notest –quiet –local-lib \ ~/perl5/$1 \ App::cpanminus \ Dist::Zilla \ App::local::lib::helper . Entering the correct environment for a distribution uses another helper script: #!/bin/bash # script named "go" if [ -z $1 ] then echo ‘pass the distribution name, please’ exit fi ~/perl5/$1/bin/localenv bash . Which means my workflow for a new distribution is: $ new-ll New-Dist-Name $ go New-Dist-Name . Any Perl distributions installed in that shell (for example from dzil authordeps | cpanm or dzil listdeps | cpanm) will be placed into the new local::lib. It’s a simple ^D to exit. However it’s not obvious that you’re within this special environment, so editing Bash’s $PS1 variable (the shell prompt) to include the following, can help: echo $PERL5LIB | cut -d’/’ -f5 . My deep thanks to the authors of the distributions used to create this neat setup…. Continue reading

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MailHide WP plugin reconfigured

I’ve just disabled the MailHide WordPress plugin, for content on this blog. I realised it was mangling example code in my posts. Sorry about that!

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