Monthly Archives: November 2010

CatatlystX::ListFramework::Builder finally removed from CPAN

This note is to announce that I’ve just now, finally, removed the old CatalystX::ListFramework::Builder distributions from CPAN. Don’t worry, the module has long been deprecated in favour of its more popular replacement Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD. This moment cannot pass without thanking Andrew Payne and Peter Edwards for creating the ancestor to them both, CatalystX::ListFramework. I believe Peter had the thought to provide some kind of simple web access to database tables, and prodded Andrew into creating the ListFramework. Whilst out at a meet one evening, I discussed forking the code to make it more automagical and to allow the use of an AJAX UI which Peter had good reason for not wanting at the time. And so ::Builder was born. I’m looking forward to the future of ::AutoCRUD. More time is available to me since I changed job recently, and there is a bunch of ideas waiting in the queue. If you have suggestions for AutoCRUD’s wishlist, please do create a simple RT ticket against the module…. Continue reading

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